Вывод дерева файлов через Питон
Взято тут, добавил r к строке пути, чтобы работало.
from pathlib import Path # prefix components: space = ' ' branch = '│ ' # pointers: tee = '├── ' last = '└── ' def tree(dir_path: Path, prefix: str=''): """A recursive generator, given a directory Path object will yield a visual tree structure line by line with each line prefixed by the same characters """ contents = list(dir_path.iterdir()) # contents each get pointers that are ├── with a final └── : pointers = [tee] * (len(contents) - 1) + [last] for pointer, path in zip(pointers, contents): yield prefix + pointer + if path.is_dir(): # extend the prefix and recurse: extension = branch if pointer == tee else space # i.e. space because last, └── , above so no more | yield from tree(path, prefix=prefix+extension) for line in tree(Path.home() / r'O:\Proekty\_материалы'): print(line)
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