Урок — Буквы от больших к маленьким в InDesign
Ролик о том, как сделать «растяжку» размерами букв в InDesign.
Скрипт качать вот тут:
Это урок из нашего курса вёрстки в InDesign.
Подробнее — на странице курса.
// Script by Ivan Tolstikov // dialog box code from try { if (!app.selection[0]) { throw ("You need to select some text first."); exit(); } var userResponse = dialogWRadio("Choose direction", true, "Direction"); main(userResponse); //alert ("user entered" + userResponse); } catch (e) { alert(e); } function main(choice) { if (app.selection[0].characters.length < 1) { exit(); } else { if (choice == 0) { // bigToCenter(app.selection[0].characters[0].pointSize, app.selection[0].characters[app.selection[0].characters.length - 1].pointSize); //alert (minValue()+"_"+maxValue()); bigToCenter(minValue(), maxValue()); } else if (choice == 1) { bigToPeriphery(minValue(), maxValue()); } else if (choice == 2) { // bigToRight(app.selection[0].characters[0].pointSize, app.selection[0].characters[app.selection[0].characters.length - 1].pointSize); // alert (minValue()+"_"+maxValue()); bigToRight(minValue(), maxValue()); } else if (choice == 3) { // bigToLeft(app.selection[0].characters[0].pointSize, app.selection[0].characters[app.selection[0].characters.length - 1].pointSize); bigToLeft(maxValue(), minValue()); } } } function bigToCenter(min, max) { var range = Math.abs(min - max); var increment = range / (app.selection[0].characters.length / 2); var incr = min; //alert (increment) var nearestHalf = Math.round((app.selection[0].characters.length - 1) / 2) for (i = 0; i <= nearestHalf - 1; i++) { app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize = incr; incr += increment; } for (i = nearestHalf; i < (app.selection[0].characters.length); i++) { app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize = incr; incr -= increment; } } function bigToPeriphery(min, max) { var range = Math.abs(min - max); var increment = range / (app.selection[0].characters.length / 2); var incr = max; //alert (increment) var nearestHalf = Math.round((app.selection[0].characters.length - 1) / 2) for (i = 0; i <= nearestHalf - 1; i++) { app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize = incr; incr -= increment; } for (i = nearestHalf; i < (app.selection[0].characters.length); i++) { app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize = incr; incr += increment; } } function bigToRight(first, last) { var range = Math.abs(first - last); var increment = range / app.selection[0].characters.length; var incr = first; app.selection[0].characters[0].pointSize = incr; incr += increment; for (i = 1; i < app.selection[0].characters.length; i++) { incr += increment; app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize = incr; } } function bigToLeft(first, last) { var range = Math.abs(first - last); var increment = range / app.selection[0].characters.length; var incr = first; app.selection[0].characters[0].pointSize = incr; incr -= increment; for (i = 1; i < app.selection[0].characters.length; i++) { incr -= increment; app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize = incr; } } function maxValue() { var arr = []; for (i = 0; i < app.selection[0].characters.length; i++) { arr.push (app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize) } var largest= 0; Array.max = function( array ){ return Math.max.apply( Math, array ); }; var maximum = Array.max(arr); return maximum; } function minValue() { var arr = []; for (i = 0; i < app.selection[0].characters.length; i++) { arr.push (app.selection[0].characters[i].pointSize) } Array.min = function( array ){ return Math.min.apply( Math, array ); }; var minimum = Array.min(arr); return minimum; } function dialogWRadio(dlgName, cancelIt, dlgLabel) { var userCancelled = true; //is set to false if user clicks OK button var oldPrefs = app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel; app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.INTERACT_WITH_ALL; //create dialog var dlgRef = app.dialogs.add({ name: dlgName, canCancel: cancelIt, label: dlgLabel }); //add a column var dlgColumn = dlgRef.dialogColumns.add(); //add a row var dlgRow = dlgColumn.dialogRows.add(); //add radio elements to row var rGroup = dlgRow.radiobuttonGroups.add(); rGroup.radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel: "Bigger to Center (this one is inaccurate)",checkedState: true}); rGroup.radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel: "Bigger to Periphery (this one is inaccurate too)"}); rGroup.radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel: "To the Right"}); rGroup.radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel: "To the Left"}); if ( == true) { userCancelled = false; var radioValue = rGroup.selectedButton; } dlgRef.destroy(); app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = oldPrefs; if (userCancelled) { radioValue = -1; // throw ("User Cancelled"); } return radioValue; }
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