Kaira Looro winners and plagiarism
So, this year’s Kaira Looro architecture competition ended, and the results were published on their website and Instagram. Soon after that, their instagram post was flooded with comments, some angry enough, of people, asking if it’s ok to choose plagiarism project as a winner. Some were pretty funny, congratulating Toshiko Mori with their project being plagiarised.
Soon after the comment wave began to grow, Kaira Looro decided to close the comments, stating they allegedly started to look into the plagiarism so that “the perpetuation of unpleasant comments (sometimes from fake accounts) that denigrate interested parties and damage the humanitarian purpose of the initiative, the comments have been disabled until the final publication of the results”.
All that is pretty funny, and shameful at the same time. Also we have something to say about the competition, having got rude enough replies from the competition organizers at our complaint.
First thing I’ve done before they even decided to close comments is I’ve made screenshots of those comments, some pretty witty. (Like I felt they were going to close them.) As far as now the comments are closed, please, feel free to read them here.
UPD: They reannounced the results as if there was nothing wrong.
So now we can’t see the past results. I saved the image of the previous variant, as far as they have deleted every trace as if nothing happened. Thanks to google, it remembered the previous state of their page.
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