
Техническая эстетика

Ivan @ 05 / 11 / 2018 @ Blog / Дизайн / Медиа
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Trilogy of documentary films “Technical Aesthetics” tells about formation of the designer’s profession in the USSR and modern Russia, as well as poses the most important question of self-identification: do we have our own unique design code and what is the peculiarity of Russian design.
First film tells the story of Ural school of industrial design and show people who formed the material culture of the USSR from a matchbox to a turbo-locomotive.
This film tells about people and experience, gained over many years of design as a state system of the USSR.
Paradoxically, Soviet design is little known in the world, but even more paradoxically, Soviet design is little known in Russia either.
To move on, we need to have a good foundation under our feet, but most of the most significant projects and developments are hidden from the general public.
We would like to draw certain conclusions and understand where to move further.

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